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Phoenix - Facebook & Messenger for Android
Phoenix - Facebook & Messenger
Download Phoenix - Facebook & Messenger for Android for free. Apps for phones and tablets.
Phoenix - Facebook & Messenger app for Android, download programs for phones and tablets for free.
Screenshots of Phoenix - Facebook & Messenger program for Android phone or tablet.
Screenshots of Phoenix - Facebook & Messenger program for Android phone or tablet.
Screenshots of Phoenix - Facebook & Messenger program for Android phone or tablet.
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Aprašymas Phoenix - Facebook & Messenger programos:

Phoenix - is a Facebook skin, which is much lighter and more convenient. The application has a natural Facebook interface, but at the same time messages come in the application. So with this program you don't have to use Messenger separately. With all this chatting can be used outside the application, using floating bubbles.


  • Two in one
  • Chat-bubbles
  • Notifications
  • Saving mobile data
  • Total security

admin · 2019-06-05 07:00 · 870 peržiūrėjo


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