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Windows 8+ launcher for Android
Windows 8+ launcher
Download Windows 8+ launcher for Android for free. Apps for phones and tablets.
Windows 8+ launcher app for Android, download programs for phones and tablets for free.
Screenshots of Windows 8+ launcher program for Android phone or tablet.
Screenshots of Windows 8+ launcher program for Android phone or tablet.
Screenshots of Windows 8+ launcher program for Android phone or tablet.
Screenshots of Windows 8+ launcher program for Android phone or tablet.
Screenshots of Windows 8+ launcher program for Android phone or tablet.
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Aprašymas Windows 8+ launcher programos:

Windows 8+ launcher - is a bright skin for Android smartphone depicting Windows 8. Set up live tiles with widgets and applications as you like. This is an excellent transformation of Android into Windows!


  • Variety of options and setting
  • Change icon size
  • Portrait and landscape mode
  • Add your applications/widgets to the tile
  • Tiles of the last tasks
  • 15 themes

admin · 2018-08-11 00:00 · 1042 peržiūrėjo


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