Pratybų atsakymai
Dabar Lietuvoje: 2025-02-20 21:09
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 x86-x64
Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 3“ programinė įranga padės jums išnaudoti puikiausias fotografijos galimybes, nesvarbu, ar tobulinate vieną nuotrauką, ieškote dešimt, apdorojate šimtus ar tvarkote tūkstančius. Sukurkite nepakartojamų vaizdų, kurie pakerėtų žiūrovus. Eksperimentuokite be baimės naudodami tobuliausius redagavimo įrankius, įskaitant ir pasaulinės klasės triukšmo sumažinimą. Lengvai tvarkykite savo nuotraukas. Pristatykite savo darbą elegantiškuose spaudiniuose ir skaidrių demonstravimo filmukuose su muzika arba populiariose nuotraukų dalijimosi svetainėse. Viskas vienoje sparčiai veikiančioje, intuityvioje taikomojoje programoje. EN:
If you need a professional application to cover every single step in photo management, from editing to publication, look no further. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is exactly what you're dreaming of.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom could be defined as the perfect application to import, manage, store, edit and publish images, all from one single interface. It's aimed at both serious amateur and professionals photographers, so I guess basic-skilled users will find a bit more complicated to use – especially the interface, which can be a bit overwhelming.

Once you explore the program and become familiar with it, you'll start discovering all the great features Adobe Photoshop Lightroom hides. You can import your whole photo collection automatically and browse very easily, thanks to the thumbnail gallery or the timeline view at the bottom of the screen. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom supports tags and image ratings, and also lets you create sets and collections to organize your photo library.

Editing tools are located on the right side of the interface. You can do some basic editing in the Quick Develop sections, such as adjusting tone and exposure, or simply apply one of the saved presets included in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. For further editing though you'll need to go to the Develop section, using the module picker strip in the upper right corner.

When you're finished editing your images, it's time to prepare then for delivery. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom lets you create slideshows, generate web galleries and also prepare your images for printing, all of them with the possibility to use predefined templates, which makes the job much easier.

- Note: Added license in silent mode and disable automatic updates. Wont activate in Xp.
Sisteminiai reikalavimai
   *  „Intel® Pentium® 4“ procesorius arba atitinkamai
   * „Microsoft® Windows® XP“ su 3 pakeitimų paketu; „Windows Vista® Home Premium“, „Business“, „Ultimate“ arba „Enterprise“ (32 bitų ir 64 bitų); arba „Windows 7“ (32 bitų ir 64 bitų)
   * 2 GB operatyviosios atminties
   * 1 GB laisvos vietos standžiajame diske
   * 1024 x 768 ekranas
   * CD-ROM įrenginys Parsisiųsti Adobe_Photoshop_Lightroom_3_x64 Parsisiųsti Adobe_Photoshop_Lightroom_3_x86:
KamTasVardas · 2010-12-11 18:18 · 3128 peržiūrėjo


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