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AppBlock: Stay Focused for Android
AppBlock: Stay Focused
Download AppBlock: Stay Focused for Android for free. Apps for phones and tablets.
AppBlock: Stay Focused app for Android, download programs for phones and tablets for free.
Screenshots of AppBlock: Stay Focused program for Android phone or tablet.

Aprašymas AppBlock: Stay Focused programos:

AppBlock: Stay Focused - is a unique application which will help you focus on your work to maximum. You can block all distracting you apps for some time. Set interval, select applications and save them in your personal profile. As soon as you finish all work you can see the list of the missed notifications.


  • Personal profile
  • Backup copies
  • Increase efficiency
  • List of blocked notifications

admin · 2017-09-02 00:00 · 1384 peržiūrėjo


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